The Circle - Drop-in Men's Group
Fri, 04 Mar
|Online Zoom Webinar
A weekly drop-in learning group for men who’d like to start or give a boost to their inner-growth journey.

Time & Location
04 Mar 2022, 15:00 – 16:30 GMT
Online Zoom Webinar
About the event
These gatherings are an invitation to deepen your understanding of yourself, start making friends with yourself, and to start creating a life that is a true representation of who you are, and what you want, not what is expected of you.
We all have unique experiences on this planet. Drawing on my personal experience, and having worked with many men in the capacity of a coach over the last few years, I see some ways in which we are similar. In simplistic terms, our conditioning influences (a mix of family, education, society, culture) taught us to disconnect from the tenderness inherent to all humans and all life so that we could live up to the image of what is perceived as strength… to be “manly”. Many of us understand now that true strength is not in turning away from the tenderness, but honouring it, and facing it. But this is a skill we have to re-learn.
This is an initiative to bring together men to talk to each other about their shared experiences in a world that teaches them to block out parts of themselves, and learn together.
I’m announcing this group to honour the calling to create such spaces for men I’ve felt for the last 4 years. I have no “future” plans for it, rather the intention is to stay “present” and for it to evolve spontaneously.
I’ll be facilitating 1 gathering weekly, free of charge for the near future. Join if leaving behind the conditioned ideas and behaviours of what it means to be “man enough” appeals to you. If instead, you want to embrace all parts of you and discover what kind of man you wish to show up in the world as.
Free Registration
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