The highest intention I have for my life is to live with purpose, but playfully! I wish to create lots, and at the same time to not take anything too seriously. I wish to be at ease. Accepting what comes my way with openness, awe, eagerness, and humour!
One of the things I wish to create is support for others who are unraveling life, learning to live joyfully, trying to connect with their heart's desires, or finding meaning and purpose. I wish to help them bring clarity and light-heartedness to their journey.
Keep scrolling to get to know me better and learn about my services!

I love nature, plant-based food, meditating, nurturing intimate relationships, quality time together, silence, running, writing, and the concept of self-evolution.
"All I need is within me now"
I fully believe this famous saying!
I find joy in experiencing people deepen their connection and friendship with themselves, finding their own answers, dropping all concepts, and walking their own path.
I founded an organic food business in New Delhi in 2011. That doesn't mean I only work with entrepreneurs or business owners! But I do use my experience to offer business coaching as well.
My effort is to create a space that fosters inner listening, and to use that as an anchor from where others discover their vision and create goals.
I am based between London and New Delhi. I work with people in other countries virtually as well.

The intention with the spaces I create both in my individual or group sessions, is to enable a deepening of one's relationship with self. I find it easy to relate to others, and my mindfulness and meditation practice has enabled me to witness experiences without merging with them. I use these skills to help others gain fresh perspectives. The answers we seek are within us. Be it your business, relationships, career, or any other aspect of life, I'm simply a friend who is helping you discover these answers. As and when needed, I help with setting goals, tracking progress, and building empowering new routines and habits.

Life is a mystery. Let's accept that and make the most of it :)
We live in a doing obsessed era. We all have big ambitions. This is how we try to find meaning. But we also know that this can't be the "meaning of life". It can't be when it comes with heightened stress and anxiety. Can we learn to create, be ambitious, from a place of being joyful and playful? Can we learn how to embrace everything that comes our way, all our inner and outer experiences, learn how to laugh, and re-learn how to cry?

I started I Say Organic in 2011 and the company has since grown to be one of the most trusted organic retailer and brand in New Delhi, India, operating a farm to table model in partnership with farmers across the country.
I went through phases of extreme stress which eventually taught me how to have ambitious goals but be detached from them, knowing when to say no, taking tough decisions while being kind, acting from my strengths, shedding concept of what my work/routine/attitude "should" be like, balancing optimism with realism, and maintaining flexibility while having goals and plans.
For Entrepreneurs who resonate with this, I use the same principle of deepening your connection with yourself, to chart the future of your business, make plans, and set goals.

Sometimes all we need is silence. To open ourselves up to the mystery of life and surrender to the unknown.
I now have a consistent meditation practice, but for a long time I believed I couldn't meditate because of my "over-active mind". All I needed was a good initiator, who broke the hype and ritual, and simply explained what it was really about. It's been an incredibly fun and fruitful journey since. The hours I spend meditating are my most cherished.
If you too find the chat around meditation and mindfulness stressful and confusing, but feel drawn to it, I'd love to help you get started.
The first step is to schedule a free “discovery call” to get to know each other. If we feel like a good match, I'll suggest one of the following models.
3-month Model
Up to 12 sessions valid for up to 16 weeks from sign-up date
Regular communication over text, email, or short calls between sessions (need basis).
There is some structure in this period (introducing practices, tools, concepts, and assessments) but the plan is mostly bespoke based on your wishes, goals, life situation, learning needs, and areas of focus.
Investment: £1234 upfront or £444 /month.
Post this, we'll either:
Extend the same model for another 3 months
Meet at your chosen frequency (£111 /session)
Decide our work together is complete!
Per-session Model
For some people, a per-session model is more suitable from the beginning. In such cases the session fees are £150.
Compassionate Model
Because I wish to support as many people as I can, I offer a sliding scale to accommodate people in situations and geographies wherein this rate is not sustainable. Do not hesitate to reach out, and if I have the bandwidth and feel that working together will be rewarding, I'll be happy to work out a suitable financial arrangement.
and let's take this forward!
ashmeetkapoor at gmail dot com